Hello, Welcome to my Blog

Hello everybody and Happy Sunday, I’m Shelena and I want to first thank you all for visiting my page today. I have so much in store for this site, so please make sure you visit often. I’m just very excited about today simply because I was finally able to get some things done this weekend. I’m also finally posting to my blog that I created a year ago.  Progress I tell you…whoot whoot. And this is just the beginning so bare with me as I get the perfect site created that will be able to inspire, motivate, and help empower others. My goal for the site is to do just that. This will be a positive networking site that will bring you need to know information that can be utilized to help you achieve better results in your life. My new year goals were to get my websites up and running and my businesses relaunched by the end of the first quarter of 2017.  We are still in the first quarter, so my fingers and toes are crossed, I’m praying that I get the strength to get everything done within the next couple weeks.  I’m optimistic so I will say by April 1st you should see some new product from me.  With my recent move to Atlanta it has been a battle trying to get everything done and back on track; but it happens to the best of us. I will be the first to admit that I have been so unorganized and all over the place, but is finally getting things together. Thank God! My desk in my room office has been full of papers for the last few months and guess what….I took the time to sort through all that mess and I’m on my way to getting them in folders and filed away in the file cabinet.  I’m done making excuses on why I haven’t been able to get some of these things done; however, sometimes life just get in the way and it hinders you from accomplishing some of your goals you set out to meet.  I say just stay focused. Make a plan and be patient. Things are not going to happen overnight. As long as you are making some progress, you are on the right path and soon you will see the light at the end of the tunnel. Stay encouraged my friends!

Tell us about some of the obstacles that you are experiencing and let us know what you are doing to try and overcome them.  You just don’t know that you may be able to help another soul out there that is going through the same or similar things.

That’s all for now, but I do want to see some of your comments.

Have a fantastic week!!

Let's Talk About It ….Motivate*** Inspire***Empower